Monday, May 11, 2009

Broken Bones!!

Well it's 2 minute's till midnight on Monday evening or should I say Tuesday morning before I am done typing this. We have a first in our house BROKEN BONES!! Now would you believe it's not my son .(yeah) Its' my daughter. She has managed to break a chunk out of the bottom of her foot on the outer edge. How you ask I have no ideal . She did this on Sunday or at least that is what she is telling us. This child has crazy high pain tolerance like she doesn't feel pain and if she does then something is wrong. Even the E.R. Doctor thought she was faking and asked if she was really hurt because she could stand and do everything the doctors asked and just said it hurt a little. Plus they thought I was just saying she had high pain tolerance. This wasn't the childerns hospital where my son goes either this was a local one. Had I drove 70 plus miles to his hospital they would have not question her pain levels because my son's like that to. Well the doctor was very surprised when she looked at the X-Rays. She said you should be in a lot more pain then what you are.Matter of fact you should be screaming. Then the doctor said she snapped the tendon that goes up your calf and down to the outer part of the ankle and some how in that process it snapped a chunk out of the bone on the outer bottom of the foot. Needless to say the doctor was very very surprised and couldn't believe what she was looking at on the x-rays. So we have a temporary cast and have to go see a ortho surgeon. Hopefully she won't have to have surgery but we will see. I was hoping that neither of my children got my pain tolerance but I now pretty sure they both did.


Dawn said...

OUCH! Hope it gets well soon! Poor kid!

Dawn said...

You've won an award on my blog! Congrats!!!!