Friday, November 30, 2007

AirZone Too

I would like everyone to check out the banners I put up of for AirZone Too. If you are one who has allergies or a child with an illness you need to check this site out. I can tell you that I have these products in my home. I am not one to believe in things I read. But this is a company I have tested and that I swear by. For those of you who don't know me personally here is my story.

I have a son with an extremely low immune system he doesn't develop the Immunoglobulins. Now there are five types of Immune antibodies your system does develop. With out these antibodies you get infections very easy. This is your lesson.

My child is low in all levels . He gets sick alot. We do go through treatments at Cardinal Glenno Hospital which is a children's hospital in my area. Now you are probably wondering why I am telling you this. First I will tell you after I was given this machine by my Aunt Sharon and Uncle George I am a believer. They also gave us a little machine for my son to where around his neck. (It's called a personal air buddy) My son doctors have said he could go to pre-school for three hours
as a test to see if he would be able to go to regular school or have to be home schooled. With the help of the system and personal air buddy he has been able to attend pre-school for three hours a day. It has cut down the infections he has gotten. Yes he has still got sick but just not as much. With the systems help it has cut down on the infections. Oh yeah I almost forgot . I do have a big one in my house as well. Which I love simply because my husband has the same immune system (He only has one low level) but he still get sick easy to. When were at home I haven't had to worry about my allergies acting up either. This machine is wonderful. If you would like to know more information you can contact George Blair

Now the Laundry Pure system is neat too. It is just like the air machines . It kills all bacteria and germs. Plus you never have to use any more laundry soap. It can only be used with cold water . But can we say cool. Plus the dirtiest laundry gets clean, the only thing is you might have to use pre treat with shout or something but that it.

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