Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Foods That Harm And Foods That Heal !! Did you Know This??

I have bought a couple of food books . As I read through them I will post information that maybe helpful to you in your life.


EAT PLENTY OF : Fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, whole grain cereals, and legumes for the potassium.

CUT DOWN ON: canned and other processed foods with added salt. Fatty foods.

AVOID: Pickled and salty foods. Excessive alcohol.

Who knows what legumes is??


EAT PLENTY OF: Spinach ,Potatoes,Cabbage,Oats , Whole Grain foods, Organ Meats for Vitamin K . ( Me I would just take vitamin K)

Lean meats,poultry,seafood, and other foods hing in iron and vitamin B12
Citrus and other fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamin C .

Fatty Fish and other sources of omega-3 fatty acids

AVOID: Alcohol,aspirin and other drugs the suppress blood platelets and clotting .


BENEFITS: A good source of dietary fiber. Provides some vitamin C and Iron. May protect against some intestinal upsets and help prevent some urinary tract infections.

DRAWBACKS: Can make stool dark and tarry,which may be mistaken for intestinal bleeding , May be allergens in susceptible persons.

When you cook the blueberries you destroy the Vitamin C

One half -cup of blueberries had only 40 calories , 1mg of fiber, 10mg of vitamin C , 0.7mg of Iron an small amounts of potassium ,foliate, and beta carotene, from the plant form of Vitamin A.

Keep checking back. I will be posting more information soon.

let me know what you thinks.

1 comment:

Jasmin said...

Legumes are beans. :) I get most of my protein from beans.