Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm Alive

I am a very bad blogger. I'm very sorry. Well I promise I have been knitting. I finished a pair of socks for my nieces birthday. Plus I have been knitting a pattern called French Market Bag it's from knitty. I have also started knitting a baby gift for my friend. She's having a girl. The pattern is called Smock Coat by Debbie Bliss. It's such a cute coat for a girl. On the reading front I have finished the book The Friday Night Knitting Club. Let me tell you it was good very good. If you haven't got it go get it . You should be able to find it at Sam's Club for about 8.00 which is a great buy.
In other news the reason I haven't been on here is because my Daughter had surgery on her colon and everything attached to it. Then the very next day I had emergency surgery on my teeth and jaw. The surgery it self was OK. Except I am highly allergic to the stuff that knocks you out to and numbing stuff so I had to be awake and feel the hole thing. Then Recovery time starts Right!! Not for me I wound up being allergic to 3 different types of antibiotics and I had to have the stitches removed was to early because I was allergic to the stitches. Who knew you could be allergic to stitches . Well I am that 1 in 1million case. I have always been that way. I 'm just glad they took them out. I already feel 100% better. Know I have a few more things to add to my allergy list. I would wish what I go through on anyone. I am just glad I can eat and talk know. Plus most of the pain is gone.
On a lite note I planted a garden . I planted everything in pots. Stay tuned for pictures. !!
Happy Knitting Have A Wonderful Day!!

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