Tuesday, April 17, 2012


  This one goes out to all the parents who ever had someone think they are crazy or making up their child’s illness just because the people (& or family) can’t find their illness online or never heard of it.  NEWS FLASH there is lots of RARE medical conditions. There is a TON of illness that is not online! I have been asked and accused of this so many times.  What really hurts the most is when FAMILY does this and they choose not to understand!   I am going to tell you all something I should have said to family & friends & people in general, when I hear someone suggest “It’s all in my head”.  Well here’s what I will say to that from now on.  I should have the guts to say it many times to people but I was told to just “turn the other cheek”.  SO, I have thought this is in my mind many times.   WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE STUPID OR JUST HAVE NO BRAIN!!  I mean really?   Let’s stop and think or can you? I mean actually use your brain?  Do you people hear the nonsense you’re spitting out your mouth??  I mean really WHO in their right mind make up an illness for their child.  I mean there are people but I am not one of them!  If you don’t know me well enough to know that, then you DON’T need to be in my life.  Really?  I know in your silly mind you think its all fake.  Let’s break it down for you.  I am so good at this “fake illness” that my child gets blood infusion, oh yeah and let’s not forget all the surgeries, oh and there’s the fact that he’s a MAKE A WISH child!  Really in your pathetic little mind you’re the one who needs the help!    Here’s a NEWS FLASH!!  1 .  Every time my child goes to the doctor it comes with more than one opinion of more than one doctor. They don’t just say he has something it comes with loads of testing to be sure then they tell us.  2.  They don’t give your child surgeries for NO REASON.  3. You don’t get infusions for the fun of it.  4.  You sure in the HELL don’t just qualify for MAKE A WISH!  5. You don’t get medication to take for no reason.

It saddens me that I have to spell it out or just get plain mean.  Don’t assume for one second that just because he has been doing fine for awhile that another major illness can’t come along.  WRONG! It can and it does!  There’s a LOT of work that goes into him LOOKING FINE. What I will never understand is those people who think,” oh your kid looks fine” and still don’t get it. Or those people that see what you go through and still choose not to accept things are wrong.  Until something major happens.  I want to shake these people and scream and yell!  I wouldn’t wish anyone with a major illness. I experience firsthand what it’s like.  I see other families that I have met go through the same thing and we pretty much all have thought like this at some point.  So when you meet families with a sick child don’t assume you know everything. Simply ask how things are, then pray for them and go home and kiss your family and be thankful you have a healthy one! Be thankful for the things that yesterday you were pissed about. You never know when or how quickly your perfect life can change.  My life revolves around my child and his life, not the other way around!  I do everything in my power to make sure he’s well taken care of.  His life comes first.

 He didn’t ask to be born; he didn’t stick his hand in the air and say I need an illness. This is what God’s plan is.  Now I have been asked many times how I can still have my faith after all God has done to me.  This is my response.  God didn’t give me my son the illness the DEVIL did.  God gave me the doctors and the things I need to take care of him.  Sometimes God does take a child home to be with him or an adult for that matter.  He takes them to heaven when their flesh (human body) can’t take anymore.  Loads of people get the two confused and get very angry with God.  I be lying if I said I haven’t felt like that before too.  After a lot of understanding I learned God is who I rely on to keep going. God is the one and only that can heal my child. Yes some of use goes through more than others.  But along the way you always will have someone cross your path that your experience can help them.  Have I learned a lot since I became a mother to my son absolutely!   I met some AMAZING children and some AMAZING parents and some AMAZING DOCTORS.  Do we all count our blessings YES.  When one door shuts on us we wait for the other to open.  I have learned so many things. I am grateful for having amazing doctors. I am grateful for meeting some AMAZING families.  Don’t get me wrong I still have days where I want to bang my head against the wall wondering what in the hell do I do .  Then I remember if it was brought to me then I need to take it to God. Which sometimes that itself is a very hard thing to do! There are a ton of emotions that you have as a parent of a sick child.  There isn’t a manual that comes with a sick child either or any child. 
Well these are my thought for today.  I hope it helps someone out there!

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